EscapeWelt is a finalist and silver medalist in the Saxony Startup of the Year competition
In the spring of 2022, the company became a contestant. This year there were more than 30 participants – Saxon businessmen from various fields. The organizers chose the top five, among which was EscapeWelt.
In May, the finalists gathered in Dresden, where each presented their company. The winner was selected by online voting and by the votes of the audience and competition committee members in the audience during the final presentation.
According to the voting results, EscapeWelt became the silver medalist of the contest!
You can read more about the competition itself, as well as about the finalist companies, in the German media:
Who will be Saxony’s best startup in 2022?https://www.lvz.de/Region/Mitteldeutschland/Sachsens-Unternehmer-des-Jahres-Die-fuenf-besten-Start-ups
The startup scene in Saxony: Who will get the Founder’s Award?https://www.freiepresse.de/nachrichten/wirtschaft/wirtschaft-regional/start-up-szene-in-sachsen-wer-gewinnt-den-gruenderpreis-artikel12147695
- January 12, 2023
- 7:48 am